Attitude of gratitude

 I loved the talk given by Thomas S. Monson about having an attitude of gratitude. This isn't a new talk that I just read this week but one that I have read often. I think it's important in our lives to be grateful for all that we have because we really have been given so much in this world. There is another talk that was given by Elder Eyring where he would keep a gratitude journal and write in it daily. The think that I loved about this idea was that the things he wrote down weren't always huge things. In fact, a lot of them were small things that a lot of the time, we don't notice or take for granted. Like birds singing in the morning. Or someone letting you through in traffic. Or someone giving you a compliment that day. How many time do we miss these small things everyday because we don't take the time to reflect and notice them? 

     Another reason why I love the idea of have a heart of gratitude is because it helps us to remember our Savior who created this beautiful world for us. Not only do we have this world to live in, but He pours His blessings on us daily. I think it's important that we are cognizant of those blessings so that we remember His love for us but also, I think it helps us to live a life with more purpose. That purpose can manifest itself in many ways in our lives, and hopefully when it does manifest itself, we will be able to recognize it. 
