
Do we help our fellow men? With or without money are we helping and serving others? What I loved about the thought provoking study material this week was that it said it was okay to make wealth and to want to make wealth. I think a lot of times, people who have a lot of wealth are seen as maybe selfish. We don't know what they did to earn that wealth. We don't know what they are currently doing to help other people with their wealth either. 
    Personally, I think it's a little easier to give to others when you have money but on the other hand, does it mean more if you give others some of your money if you have less of it? I don't think those are really answers anyone can answer except for ourselves in our own situations. We don't know other people's situations and so can never know how easy/hard, much/little they have done for others. It's not up to us anyway to look at others to determine if they've done too much or too little. We just need to focus on ourselves and where we are at. 
    I would like to do more with my time and money to help others. I have done things in the past to help those that are in need but feel that I could probably do more. I make excuses that I don't have a lot of time but if it were a top priority, then I could make the time for it. I want to do this not only for myself but I want to show my children what is truly important in this world. While making money is a worthy ambition, I think serving others should have top priority. 
