
Showing posts from September, 2021


I believe Randy Pausch was able to to achieve his childhood dreams by actually trying for them. No matter how far fetched they seemed, he went after them. He also didn't try for them all at once. He was patient and took his time with them. It is a good lesson to learn and remember when we try to go after our dreams! I think dreaming is very important. There almost seems to be a negative connotation that comes when you call someone a dreamer. Like all they want to do is wish for things but they don't actually know how to do the work to achieve the dream. I don't think that's always the case and wish the negative connotation would be done away with when called a dreamer. When you dream for something, you have something to work towards, look forward to, and something to hope for in the future. It would be hard to be excited about life or the future if we didn't hope and dream for things! A dream that I had as a child was to model or act. Seems kind of silly to me now a

What is my calling?

       I read some interesting things this week about who people can become who they want to be. It made me feel like I could be doing so much more with my life and that I'm meant for so much more. The problem, is that I don't know what that is. I don't feel passionately about anything particular in life aside from my family, so I'm not sure what I should do with my life professionally. I feel that there are a lot of things that I could do and be happy doing them, but are they my "calling"? I'm just not sure how to figure how what it is that I'm meant to do at this point in time, but I'm hoping that future readings and time will help at least narrow it down.       One reading that I really enjoyed and really hit home for me was, “Living Life As An Entrepreneurial Hero”. As I read through it, it made me feel like I really did have something to offer to the world and that I can do something meaningful. I thought it also put things into perspective re