I view money as an important and necessary element of life. It definitely isn't the number one thing on my mind all the time but I know that however I choose to handle that money will affect my life greatly. I know that I must be smart with it and that if I'm not, it can cripple and weigh me down. I also realize that we can do a lot of good with money in the world. We can help other people, donate to charities, etc. and do much good in the world. Up to about this point in my life, I have not been in a financial situation to really do a lot for other people. Everything we have given, have been small and simple things, but helpful nonetheless. This year, my family and I decided that we could help another family with their Christmas. I'm not just talking about one gift for each kid but several things off their wish list to have for Christmas. I don't say this to gloat but because it felt so good to feel like I actually made a positive impact for a fami...