Final thoughts
A lecture that I would share with people would be about dreaming big dreams. I loved that lecture because it really encouraged people to go for their "big dream". Not only to go for a big dream but also to dream big. We are the only ones holding us back so we shouldn't hold ourselves back, ever! I think this lesson really resonated with me because, I admit, that I'm afraid to dream big. I've gotten comfortable with a lot of things in my life and living comfortably make it hard to want to grow or change. That is something that I would like to change after taking this class. A piece of advice (there's a few) I would give someone before they start their entrepreneurial journey would be to have a solid plan set into place before starting. To acquire mentors or associates in the business industry to give you tips, suggestions, advice, etc. as to how to start up a successful business. I'd also advice them to thing of what they want to achieve with their entrepr...